Aspect Question (Score yourself from 1 Low – 7 High) Score (1-7)
People Question 1: How well do you communicate and collaborate with project team members?
Question 2: How effectively do you resolve conflicts within the project team?
Question 3: How well do you motivate and inspire your project team?
Question 4: To what extent do you delegate tasks and empower your team members?
Question 5: How effectively do you manage project stakeholders and their expectations?
Question 6: How well do you facilitate effective communication between stakeholders?
Question 7: To what extent do you promote a positive team culture and collaboration?
Process Question 1: How well do you define project goals, objectives, and success criteria?
Question 2: How effectively do you plan project activities and milestones?
Question 3: To what extent do you manage project risks and issues?
Question 4: How well do you track and monitor project progress?
Question 5: How effectively do you manage project changes and scope creep?
Question 6: How well do you manage project resources and budgets?
Question 7: To what extent do you apply project management best practices and methodologies?
Business Question 1: How well do you understand the strategic objectives and business context of your projects?
Question 2: How effectively do you align project outcomes with organizational goals?
Question 3: To what extent do you consider business value and benefits realization in project decision-making?
Question 4: How well do you analyze and manage project dependencies and interdependencies?
Question 5: How effectively do you engage and manage project stakeholders?
Question 6: How well do you adapt to organizational culture and navigate political dynamics?
Question 7: To what extent do you demonstrate business acumen and strategic thinking in project management?
Technology Question 1: How well do you understand and apply relevant project management software and tools?
Question 2: How effectively do you manage technical constraints and dependencies in your projects?
Question 3: To what extent do you leverage technology to streamline project processes and improve efficiency?
Question 4: How well do you adapt to technological changes and advancements in your field?
Question 5: How effectively do you integrate technology solutions into project delivery?
Question 6: How well do you manage and protect project data and information?
Question 7: To what extent do you stay updated with technological trends and innovations in project management?