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Find Your Strengths

Aspect Question (Score yourself from 1 Low – 7 High) Score (1-7)
People Question 1: How well do you communicate and collaborate with project team members?
Question 2: How effectively do you resolve conflicts within the project team?
Question 3: How well do you motivate and inspire your project team?
Question 4: To what extent do you delegate tasks and empower your team members?
Question 5: How effectively do you manage project stakeholders and their expectations?
Question 6: How well do you facilitate effective communication between stakeholders?
Question 7: To what extent do you promote a positive team culture and collaboration?
Process Question 1: How well do you define project goals, objectives, and success criteria?
Question 2: How effectively do you plan project activities and milestones?
Question 3: To what extent do you manage project risks and issues?
Question 4: How well do you track and monitor project progress?
Question 5: How effectively do you manage project changes and scope creep?
Question 6: How well do you manage project resources and budgets?
Question 7: To what extent do you apply project management best practices and methodologies?
Business Question 1: How well do you understand the strategic objectives and business context of your projects?
Question 2: How effectively do you align project outcomes with organizational goals?
Question 3: To what extent do you consider business value and benefits realization in project decision-making?
Question 4: How well do you analyze and manage project dependencies and interdependencies?
Question 5: How effectively do you engage and manage project stakeholders?
Question 6: How well do you adapt to organizational culture and navigate political dynamics?
Question 7: To what extent do you demonstrate business acumen and strategic thinking in project management?
Technology Question 1: How well do you understand and apply relevant project management software and tools?
Question 2: How effectively do you manage technical constraints and dependencies in your projects?
Question 3: To what extent do you leverage technology to streamline project processes and improve efficiency?
Question 4: How well do you adapt to technological changes and advancements in your field?
Question 5: How effectively do you integrate technology solutions into project delivery?
Question 6: How well do you manage and protect project data and information?
Question 7: To what extent do you stay updated with technological trends and innovations in project management?

Live: Phill C. Akinwale, PMP, ACP, CSM, PSM, PSPO


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We have hundreds of satisfied students!

Phill Akinwale is a great motivational trainer. His very personable and caring manner puts students at ease instantly. He truly cares for all of his students. He has brilliant knowledge of the PMBOK.

My preparation for the PMP test focused 100% Phill’s books, test prep materials and notes from his class. His intensive “boot camp” gave me the edge I needed to pass the test on the first attempt. As a Marine Colonel, I have been through hundreds of training classes- Phill is a cut above. I would seek him out for his outstanding training. He has the professional standards of a Marine!

Jay Krail Col. USMC (RET)
PMP Certified

Phill’s PMP course contains everything you need to pass the test, but Phill makes it come alive in his presentations. He has very deep knowledge about the subject, and a way of getting it across that draws you in and keeps you excited about it.

He teaches you to “think like PMI”. He is personally interested in each of his students, and provides mentoring that goes beyond the course work.

Rick Byrnes

Phill led our on-line PMP sessions and mentored candidates after the live training completed. I quickly appreciated his expertise and passion for Project Management and his willingness to help everyone with any question or concern. Phill was always willing to delve into a subject after class and explain any aspect of Project Management in whatever detail was needed for the students’ understanding.

After successfully passing the PMP, I can now enthusiastically report, Phill and Praizion Media are “on-track” with their excellent materials, preparation and personal attention to students. I learned something new and valuable in every session as well as being able to test my knowledge on the spot. In particular, I appreciated Phill’s willingness to answer questions out of class either on the phone or through email. He is a professional who truly cares about his profession as well as the students under his care – an unbeatable combination!

Javier de Carlos

Phill not only conducted an excellent course to prepare me for the PMP exam, but his enthusiasm and expertise of the subject matter were truly an inspiration.

He is passionate about the subject matter, and it shows in the course he has put together, and the continued support he gives after the class has finished. Both Phill and his course are a class act, and I would recommend both without hesitation.

Sonja Rowell
Founder & CEO

Phill and his company constructed an excellent, comprehensive training program that prepared me for the PMP exam. The training program included audio and video presentations, online tests, and many preparation tools, as well as an intense week-long classroom training class.

He is very enthusiastic and is an expert on the subject. Phill is an excellent teacher and relates well to the people he is training. I would sincerely recommend Phill and his company for anyone wishing to complete the PMP exam.

Ginny Pierce

Phill was my instuctor for my 35 hour PMP classroom training but his support, availability and keeping us accountable to our studies went way beyond the classroom. I passed the exam on November 18, 2010 on my first try because of Phill and his support. Phill’s classes and mock quizzes/exams were not easy because he knew to push us to be sure we were prepared for the rigors for the exam.

Phil provided us with an extensive amount of tools and techniques to help us study as well as coordinated Saturday webinars that allowed us to personally ask questions, review material and learn from others who had passed the exam. I do not believe I would have passed on my first try without Phill’s instruction, involvement and dedication. Thank you Phill for your continued support and eagerness to see us succeed even after the class was over

Leigh Richardson

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